• Kolomiiets Alla Mykolaivna Doctor of Pedagogical Science, Professor, Vice Rector in Scientific Work Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsubynskyi State Pedagogical University Vinnytsia, Ukraine https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0536-0147
  • Muzyka Yuriі Olegovych postgraduate student, 1st year of study, Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsubynskyi State Pedagogical University Vinnytsia, Ukraine
Keywords: Choreographic Education, Dance Art, Vinnytsia City Center of Artistic and Choreographic Education of Children and Youth


The present of modern Ukraine is characterized by political, economic and socio-cultural changes. Under modern conditions, when there is a change in value orientations in society, a national state is being built, national culture is being revived, there is a tangible need to activate educational factors. Choreographic culture has significant potential in this direction. The concept of "choreographic culture" is quite comprehensive and covers diverse processes and individual events, artistic trends and activities of artists related to stage dance art, etc. Vinnytsia City Center for Artistic and Choreographic Education of Children and Youth "Barvinok" is a specialized out-of-school educational and educational institution of a new type of artistic and aesthetic orientation, which is a center of folk culture and a center for educating the younger generation by means of Ukrainian national art. The folk dance ensemble "Barvinok" was created in 1984. The founder and permanent artistic director of the group is People's Artist of Ukraine, Honored Worker of Arts of Ukraine, Excellence in Education of Ukraine, Knight of the Order of Merit, Knight of the UN International Award - Order of Smiles, Petro Boyko in his seminal work "BARVINOK. Raising children happy" notes: "The main value orientation for the future in the activities of the Vinnytsia city center "Barvinok" is the aesthetic upbringing of the child's personality, its concrete and real advancement in the process of creative activity, general development and formation of one's own potential (intellectual, physical, creative, social, moral, spiritual and aesthetic), which contributes to increasing the child's competence and helps his self-realization. As well as providing such conditions for learning and creativity so that the child can realize himself as a person at any stage of his life, enjoy the learning process and experience feelings of joy and happiness from the final result of his activities and carry these feelings throughout his life."


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How to Cite
Kolomiiets Alla Mykolaivna, & Muzyka Yuriі Olegovych. (2023). FEATURES OF THE ACTIVITIES OF THE VINNYTSIA CITY CENTER FOR ARTISTIC AND CHOREOGRAPHIC EDUCATION OF CHILDREN AND YOUTH "BARVINOK". International Journal of Innovative Technologies in Social Science, (2(38). https://doi.org/10.31435/rsglobal_ijitss/30062023/7985