Research Misconduct Policies

The International Journal of Innovative Technologies in Social Science (IJITSS) is committed to upholding the highest standards of research integrity and ethical publishing. Research misconduct undermines the credibility of scientific research and compromises trust within the academic community. This policy outlines the procedures for handling allegations of research misconduct and describes the responsibilities of all parties involved in the publication process.

1. Definition of Research Misconduct

Research misconduct includes, but is not limited to:

  • Fabrication: Making up data, results, or information and reporting them as if they were real.
  • Falsification: Manipulating research materials, equipment, processes, or data in a way that misrepresents the actual findings.
  • Plagiarism: Using someone else’s work, ideas, or words without proper attribution or permission. This includes self-plagiarism (recycling one’s own previously published work without acknowledgment).
  • Improper Authorship: Failing to appropriately acknowledge contributors or including individuals who did not make significant contributions to the research.
  • Ethical Violations: Conducting research without appropriate ethics approval or failing to obtain informed consent from human participants.
  • Misrepresentation: Falsely claiming that data or methods were used or failing to disclose conflicts of interest.

Research misconduct does not include honest errors or differences of opinion regarding data interpretation or methodology.

2. Responsibilities of Authors

Authors are responsible for ensuring the integrity and accuracy of their research. When submitting to IJITSS, authors must:

  • Certify that the work is original, free of fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism.
  • Ensure that all co-authors have contributed to the research and that all contributors are properly credited.
  • Disclose any potential conflicts of interest that may affect the research.
  • Provide sufficient detail in the manuscript to allow the work to be replicated by others.
  • Obtain the appropriate ethics approval for research involving human or animal subjects.

3. Responsibilities of Reviewers

Reviewers are required to:

  • Report any suspected research misconduct (e.g., plagiarism, data fabrication) they identify during the peer review process.
  • Maintain confidentiality regarding the review and avoid using any unpublished information for personal benefit.
  • Evaluate manuscripts fairly and impartially, focusing on the quality and integrity of the research.

4. Responsibilities of Editors

Editors are responsible for:

  • Ensuring that submitted manuscripts are evaluated based on their academic merit, without bias or conflicts of interest.
  • Investigating any allegations of research misconduct and taking appropriate action if misconduct is confirmed.
  • Upholding ethical publishing standards in accordance with the guidelines set forth by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

5. Handling Allegations of Research Misconduct

5.1. Initial Assessment

When an allegation of research misconduct is reported (either before or after publication), the editorial office will conduct an initial assessment to determine whether the claim has merit. If the claim is credible, the editor will initiate a formal investigation.

5.2. Investigation Process

If a formal investigation is warranted, the following steps will be taken:

  1. Notification: The corresponding author will be informed of the allegation and asked to respond. Co-authors may also be contacted, and the editor may consult external experts if necessary.
  2. Review of Evidence: All relevant materials, including data, methodologies, and reports, will be reviewed. The editorial office may request additional information or clarification from the authors or reviewers.
  3. Decision: Based on the findings, the editorial office will make a decision regarding the manuscript or published article. The possible outcomes include:
    • Rejection or Withdrawal: If the manuscript has not been published, it may be rejected outright. If the article has already been published, it may be retracted.
    • Corrections: In cases where misconduct does not invalidate the research as a whole, authors may be asked to make corrections.
    • Retraction: For cases of serious misconduct that undermine the integrity of the research, a formal retraction will be issued.

5.3. Confidentiality

The editorial office will handle all allegations of misconduct confidentially, ensuring that the identities of those involved are protected throughout the process.

5.4. Reporting to Institutions

In cases of confirmed misconduct, IJITSS may report the findings to the relevant authors’ institutions, funders, or other authorities for further investigation or disciplinary action.

6. Retractions and Corrections

6.1. Retractions

Retractions are issued for articles that are found to contain serious errors or ethical violations that invalidate the research. Retractions will be clearly marked on the journal’s website and linked to the original article, with an explanation of the reason for the retraction.

6.2. Corrections

Corrections may be issued for articles containing minor errors that do not compromise the overall validity of the research. Corrections will be published in the journal, and the original article will be updated with a link to the correction notice.

7. Appeals Process

Authors who disagree with a decision regarding allegations of misconduct may submit an appeal. Appeals must be supported by evidence and will be reviewed by the editorial board. The final decision will be made after careful consideration of all relevant materials.

8. Prevention of Research Misconduct

IJITSS is committed to preventing research misconduct by:

  • Conducting plagiarism checks on all submitted manuscripts.
  • Promoting awareness of ethical research practices through detailed Author Guidelines and adherence to COPE standards.
  • Encouraging transparency in research by requiring authors to share underlying data and disclose conflicts of interest.

9. Ethical Oversight and COPE Compliance

IJITSS follows the ethical guidelines outlined by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) in all matters related to research misconduct. We are committed to fostering an ethical research environment and ensuring the credibility and integrity of the research we publish.