RS Global publisher invites you to publish economics research outcomes in the International Journal of Innovative Technologies in Social Science journal or recommend the journal among your colleagues to raise knowledge of significant research in Anthropology, Geography, Sociology, Communication studies, Political science, Culture, History, Philosophy, Laws, Linguistics, Education, and Psychology fields. Currently, our editorial office is considering manuscripts, that contain results of original research, for publishing in the current issue.
The publication date of the current issue is September 30, 2024.
International Journal of Innovative Technologies in Social Science
International Scientific Journal
The International Journal of Innovative Technologies in Social Science is a double-blind peer-reviewed, international scientific Open Access journal, that publishes articles containing original research, and reviews, covering subjects in social science. The journal is divided into 12 subject sub-areas: Anthropology, Geography, Sociology, Communication studies, Political science, Culture, History, Philosophy, Laws, Linguistics, Education, and Psychology.
p-ISSN: 2544-9338
e-ISSN: 2544-9435
DOI: 10.31435/rsglobal_ijitss
OCLC Number: 1036501433
Publisher: RS Global Sp. z O.O.
Country: Poland
Format: Print and Electronic version
Frequency: Quarterly (4 times a year: March, June, September, December)
Content-type: Academic/Scholarly
Language: English, Russian, Ukrainian
Submission to publication: 52 days
Acceptance rate: 55%
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