Editorial Board

Chief Editor:

Violeta Lyubomirova Georgieva-Hristozova | Research Gate | Personal website
Ph.D. in Education, Associate Professor, Trakia University, Bulgaria.
Section: Education and Leadership


Editorial Board Members:

Achour Bouakkaz Nawel | Personal website
Lecturer, Urban Studies Expert, Department Of Architecture, Constantine 3 University, Algeria
Section: Urban Planning and Smart Cities

Billy Sichone | Personal website
PhD in Online Education, Deputy Vice Chancellor for Research and Graduate Studies, Central Africa Baptist University, Kitwe, Copperbelt, Zambia
Section: Education and Leadership

Olha Cherepiekhina | Google Scholar | Scopus
Ph.D. in Psychology, Associate Professor, Department of Pedagogical and Age Psychology, Oles Honchar Dnipro National University, Ukraine
Health and Well-being

Nataliia Sas | Google Scholar | Personal website
Docent, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Poltava V.G. Korolenko National Pedagogical University, Ukraine
Section: Education and Leadership

Svetlana Paramonova
Ph.D. in Criminal Law, Professor in Master Program for International Law, University of Tarragona, Spain
Section: Governance and Public Policy

Oruj Mammadov | Google Scholar | Personal website
Ph.D. in Law, Director, Azerbaijan State University of Economics (UNEC), Azerbaijan
Section: Governance and Public Policy

Nataliia Krokhmal | Google ScholarScopus | Web of Science | ResearchGate
Associate Professor Department of Philosophy, sociology and political science of the State University of Trade and Economics (Kyiv, Ukraine)
Section: Sociocultural Dynamics

Margarita Cheshmedzhieva | Publons | Personal website
Ph.D., Associate Professor, South-West University ”Neofit Rilski”, Faculty of Law and History, Department of Public Law, Bulgaria
Section: Governance and Public Policy

Wadym Orehowskyi | Scopus
Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Chernivtsi Trade and Economic Institute Kyiv National Trade and Economic University, Ukraine
Section: Sociocultural Dynamics

Vasyl Rossikhin Scopus | Publons | Google Scholar | Personal website
Dr.Sc. in Law, Vice-Rector, Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, Ukraine
Section: Governance and Public Policy

Kristina Vozniakovska Scopus | Google Scholar
Doctor of Law, Professor, Department of Civil Law, Chernivtsi Law Institute National University “Odesa Law Academy”, Chernivtsi, Ukraine
Section: Governance and Public Policy

Mirza Natalya
Higher Doctorate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Karaganda State University of E.A.Buketov, Kazakhstan
Section: Education and Leadership