• Oluwatoyin Ayodele Ajani Department of Languages and Social Sciences Education University of Zululand KwaDlangezwa, South Africa
  • Nthabiseng B. Khoalenyane Department of Languages and Social Sciences Education University of Zululand KwaDlangezwa, South Africa
Keywords: Tool, COVID-19, Opportunities, Challenges, Learning, WhatsApp


The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the significance of educational technologies in teaching and learning. The global pandemic led to the closure of educational institutions worldwide, prompting the widespread implementation of online learning as a substitute method for delivering curricula. The communication platform is known as WhatsApp has gained widespread adoption and extensive utilisation within the realm of education. The primary aims of this literature review are to examine the utilisation patterns and obstacles linked to the implementation of WhatsApp in the realm of education, assess the advantages and possibilities that students and facilitators can derive from utilising this platform for educational purposes, and comprehend the hindrances and restrictions that arise when employing WhatsApp in an academic environment. The literature was acquired through the utilisation of keywords that are linked to both WhatsApp and education from diverse databases. Having a thorough comprehension of current trends, potential advantages, obstacles, and gains linked to the use of WhatsApp is imperative for lecturers and administrators. Scholarly investigations have revealed a noticeable trend of lecturers and students increasingly utilising WhatsApp as a means of communication and collaboration. The objective of this literature review is to make a noteworthy contribution to the domain of education and technology through an investigation of the potential of WhatsApp as a learning tool. Additionally, this review seeks to offer valuable insights on how to effectively incorporate WhatsApp into pedagogical practices. The article underscores the significance of taking into account privacy and security concerns while utilising WhatsApp for educational objectives and puts forth recommendations for additional investigation.


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How to Cite
Oluwatoyin Ayodele Ajani, & Nthabiseng B. Khoalenyane. (2023). USING WHATSAPP AS A TOOL OF LEARNING: A SYSTEMIC LITERATURE REVIEW OF PROSPECTS AND CHALLENGES. International Journal of Innovative Technologies in Social Science, (3(39).