Quality human resources will quickly acquire knowledge about digital technology, in this case, it is necessary to improve the quality of human resources in the development of learning in the future. The use of interactive learning media in the form of animation can convey information with sound, video, and motion animation that can improve the hydrology learning process. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of using animation media in hydrology learning for D-3 civil engineering students, this study uses the ADDIE method in the control and experimental classes where the pretest and posttest are treated. The results of the animation media are then validated by design experts, materials, media, and also the product trial process, this is done to improve the quality of the animation media. the results of the expert validation assessment obtained an average value of 89.91%, and the average test results were 90%. the results obtained from validation and testing, the animation media is feasible to use and can be continued for data analysis in the development of animation media in hydrology learning, where the results of data analysis show an increase in learning outcomes by 34.45% after using learning media.
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