This study aims to develop a learning model of UIS weaving based on the relevant Karo cultural values in schools. The research uses research and development through the Borg and Gall model development approach. The research subjects were the teachers and students of the Vocational School (SMK) Negeri 1 Berastagi where the research was conducted. Data collection techniques using observation and interviews. The data analysis technique used a qualitative descriptive technique. The research findings can be described as follows. First, the relevant Uis Karo weaving learning model used for the cultivation of Karo cultural values is Carl Rogers' version of the nondirective learning model. Second, modification and adjustment of this learning model are carried out so that it can be used to instill Karo's cultural values, especially those related to the format of the lesson plan. Third, teachers can carry out Uis Karo weaving learning using a non-directive model for planting Karo cultural values by the applicable curriculum in schools while still paying attention to the Karo regional government policy regarding the development of a Karo ethnic-based curriculum. The results of the study found that noble values formulated in various expressions need to be given to students, among others; Uis Karo is a culture of the Karo tribe. Uis Karo is a set of traditional clothes used in cultural activities. Uis (cloth) means clothing in Karo so that its development has made uis into various types, styles, and functions. Uis is made from cotton, spun, and woven manually using looms instead of machines. The composition of the yarn as the basic material for Uis uses cotton yarn with natural dyes, but some also use factory fabrics that are dyed with chemical dyes. Some of this uis are rare because they are no longer used in everyday life, or are only used in cultural ritual activities related to animist beliefs and are no longer practiced.
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