• Lapinska T.V. graduate student of the Department of Psychology, Institute of Personnel Training of the State Employment Service of Ukraine, Berdychiv, Ukraine
Keywords: psycho-emotional state, psychopathological features (PF), depression, professional burnout (PB), nursing staff, stress


The article is devoted to the analysis of the psycho-emotional state of nursing staff in terms of the level of manifestation of depressive and anxious symptoms, the identification of factors that have the greatest impact on the psycho-emotional state of medical workers and are one of the reasons for the formation and development of professional (emotional) burnout of EMC, which work in conditions of increased occupational stress (ATO / OOS). Long-term collisions of the SMP with psychological characteristics not only with ATO / OOS veterans, but also in communication with each other leads to psycho-emotional overstrain in the conditions of professional, medical relationships and other interactions (communication, performance of the task, assistance) and creates the foundation for the emergence of professional (emotional) burnout. The activities of medical workers are associated with the rescue of people, a special, individual approach to everyone, requires the presence of such psychological qualities as emotional stability, professional adaptation, mutual respect and understanding. The effectiveness of overcoming crisis or stressful periods depends on individual personality traits, among which gender, intelligence, personality temperament play an important role. One of the equally important factors in the change in the psycho-emotional state of the EMS is the age and length of service in the medical field and the professional development of a specialist in this area. Conducted by E.F. Zeer [1] analysis makes it possible to identify four main personal components of the professional development of a specialist:
1. The orientation of the personality, which is characterized by a system of dominant needs, motives, attitudes, value orientations and attitudes.
The components of a professional focus are:
• motives (intentions, interests, inclinations, ideals);
• value orientations (content of labor, wages, welfare, qualifications, career, social status, etc.);
• professional position (attitude to the profession, attitudes, expectations and readiness for professional development);
• social and professional status.
At different stages of formation, these components have a different psychological meaning, due to the nature of the leading activity and the level of professional development of the individual.
2. Professional competence - a set of professional knowledge, skills, as well as ways of performing professional activities.
Its main components:
• social and legal competence (knowledge and skills in the field of interaction with public institutions and people, as well as mastery of the techniques of professional communication and behavior);
• special competence (readiness to independently perform specific types of activities, the ability to solve typical professional tasks and evaluate the results of one's work, the ability to independently acquire new knowledge and skills in the specialty);
• personal competence (the ability for continuous professional growth and professional development, as well as self-realization in professional work);
• self-competence (an adequate understanding of one's social and professional characteristics and mastery of technologies for overcoming professional destruction);
• extreme professional competence (the ability to act in conditions that have suddenly become more complicated, in case of accidents, violations of technological processes).
3. Professionally important qualities are the psychological qualities of a person that determine the productivity (productivity, quality, efficiency, etc.) of the activity. They are multifunctional and at the same time each profession has its own ensemble of these qualities.
4. Professionally significant psychophysiological properties (visual-motor coordination, eye, neuroticism, extraversion, reactivity, energetism, etc.). The development of these properties occurs already in the course of mastering the activity. In the process of professionalization, some psychophysiological properties determine the development of professionally important qualities, while others, being professionalized, acquire an independent meaning.
O. M. Kokun in his monograph «The Psychology of the Professional Development of a Modern Specialist» notes that «... according to the studies of the last decade, in the training of specialists from different professions belonging to the» person-to-person «type, there is a significant contradiction: on the one hand, socio-economic changes occurring in society cause an increase in the requirements for such specialists, their activity and responsibility in relation to their own professional and personal development, and on the other hand, the training of these specialists remains largely purely formal, and their professional development most often occurs spontaneously. It should also be noted that if comparatively a lot of research is devoted to the stages of professional selection and, especially, professional training of professions of the «person-to-person» type, then psychological studies of the subsequent stages of the formation of a specialist in such professions practically were not carried out (excluding individual studies of teachers)» [2]. Therefore, the topic of the psycho-emotional state of the EMS, which work with a special category of patients, namely, combatants, veterans of the ATO / OOS requires study and analysis, taking into account the age and duration of communication with patients, and determined the relevance of this problem and, accordingly, the topic. Thus, the study of the psycho-emotional state of the EMC is based on the division of paramedical workers into groups, which are divided by age categories and work experience.


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How to Cite
Lapinska T.V. (2021). PSYCHO-EMOTIONAL STATE NURSES WORKING IN CONDITIONS OF INCREASED STRESS (WITH ANTI-TERRORIST OPERATION VETERANS). International Journal of Innovative Technologies in Social Science, (2(30).