• M. Danylevych D-r, Prof., Lviv State University of Physical Culture
  • R. Koval Senior Lecturer, Lviv State University of Physical Culture
  • B. Ivanytska PhD, Ass. Prof., Institute of Law and Psychology of Lviv Polytechnic National University
  • Y. Kazimova Lecturer, Institute of Law and Psychology of Lviv Polytechnic National University
Keywords: rehabilitation, functional and professional recovery, physical defects, functional readaptation


Given the increase on the planet of the number of people with congenital birth defects, technocratization of society, an increase in the number of persons with disabilities was expected at the beginning of the 21st century to one billion consequently, disability is a worldwide social phenomenon, which should be the focus of every country, its bodies of state power and administration, scientists and physicians, psychologists and educators, specialists in physical culture and sports. So, we see that under the concept «réadaptation» (f) in France, a set of tools and methods used by the relevant specialists to rehabilitate persons with disabilities, as well as simply patients, in order to return them to the maximum possible conditions of everyday life. The twentieth century in France is characterized by the creation of a number of organizations whose activities are aimed at working with such people.


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How to Cite
M. Danylevych, R. Koval, B. Ivanytska, & Y. Kazimova. (2019). TRACTION CONCEPT «REHABILITATION» IN THE FRENCH MEDICINE SYSTEM. World Science, 2(5(45), 4-6.