Science2024-09-30T00:00:00+00:00RS Global, Editorial office (journals department)editorial_office@rsglobal.plOpen Journal Systems<p style="line-height: 1.5;"><strong>p-ISSN:</strong> 2413-1032<br><strong>e-ISSN:</strong> 2414-6404<br><strong>DOI:</strong> 10.31435/rsglobal_ws<br><strong>OCLC Number:</strong> 1051262033<br><strong>Publisher:</strong> RS Global Sp. z O.O., Poland<br><strong>Subject areas:</strong> Engineering and Medicine<br><strong>Submission to publication:</strong> 54 days<br><strong><span class="sc-hwwEjo cdchLr">Acceptance rate: </span></strong><span class="sc-kPVwWT hZDpyF">58%</span></p> AN INTEGRATED MILITARY AND CIVIL NETWORK FOR MONGOLIA'S AIR RANGE CONTROL AND COMMAND2024-08-25T19:58:45+00:00Boldbaatar<p>Mongolia's strategic location at the intersection of major air routes connecting developed countries positions it favorably for the future growth of its aeronautical service system. With increasing international intercontinental flights, the air traffic density is expected to rise significantly. To ensure air traffic safety, it is crucial to enhance airspace control and air traffic management services in Mongolia. This includes upgrading primary and secondary radars and establishing a unified management network for airspace control and utilization. These improvements will streamline air border control, eliminate delays in air traffic data reporting, enhance civil and military air traffic control operations, and bolster flight safety measures.</p>2024-08-20T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Boldbaatar Chogdon CONDITIONS FOR DANGEROUS FLUCTUATIONS OF SEA LEVEL IN THE PORTS OF ODESSA2024-08-29T03:01:25+00:00Semerhei-Chumachenko Alinaasemergey2016@gmail.comShepel<p>Rapid and significant changes in water levels can pose a danger to all marine vehicles, they can also affect coastal structures, accelerate coastal erosion processes and affect coastal ecosystems. Drops in the level of the Black Sea in the Odesa region occur mainly with northwesterly and westerly winds with an intensity 4-18 m/s in the cold half of the year, when a cyclonic vortex or an elongated baric basin formed over the Black Sea. At the same time, the interaction of the cyclone with the area of high pressure created a storm zone, where the northwest wind intensified. The storm surges were formed in the south and southeast direction of the wind at a speed of 8-18 m/s under the influence of a zone of large atmospheric pressure gradients between the trough over Eastern and Central Europe and the ridge of high pressure to the east of Ukraine.</p>2024-08-20T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Semerhei-Chumachenko Alina, Shepel Victoriya NOVEL LECTIN CONTAINING PROTEIN FRACTIONS FROM ARTEMISIA DRACUNCULUS AND MENTHA PULEGIUM, SOME ISOLATION PROPERTIES AND POTENTIAL IN MEDICINE2024-09-12T03:08:19+00:00Liliana Tskitishviliinfo@rsglobal.plNodar Sulashviliinfo@rsglobal.plMatrona<p>Lectins show antiviral activity as well. The growing resistance of microorganisms to convectional antimicrobial agents is a source of concern to clinical microbiologists all over the world. As a result, efforts are being made to develop antimicrobial agents from local sources for better chemotherapeutic effects. A novel lectin containing protein fractions (AD1 and MP1) are isolated from widespread commercially available edible plants Artemisia dracunculus and Mentha pulegium. The fractions had special agglutinating activity with rabbit trypsin-treated erythrocytes at minimum concentrations of 0.05 mg/ml and 0.017 mg/ml respectively. Furthermore, lectin activity of isolated fractions was confirmed by the inhibition of hemagglutination activities with carbohydrates D-galactose (in the case of Artemisia dracunculus) and Dtrehalose dehydrate (in the case of Mentha pulegium) at minimum concentrations of 0.78 mM and 25 mM respectively. Due to the carbohydrate specificity, lectin containing fraction from Mentha pulegium inhibits growth and development of Actinomyces griseus and Streptomyces albogriseolus subsp. Aragviensis. Many anti-inflammatory medications currently prescribed are of plant origin. So, the biggest challenge is to move from demonstrating the effectiveness of plant extracts to identifying molecules that have the desired effect. Soluble galactosespecific lectin fraction from Artemisia dracunculus has no effect on growth and development of Actinomicetes, while soluble lectin fraction with trehalose binding specificity inhibits growth and development of Actinomyces griseus, and Streptomyces albogriseolus subsp. Aragviensis, but no action was detected in the case of Nocardiopsis dessonvillei. Based on the data only Mentha pulegium soluble lectin influence on spore viability has been studied.</p>2024-09-06T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Liliana Tskitishvili, Nodar Sulashvili, Matrona Chachua