Editorial Process

World Science is committed to a rigorous, transparent, and ethical editorial process to ensure the publication of high-quality research in the fields of Engineering and Medicine. The editorial process is guided by international publishing standards and the principles of academic integrity, fairness, and efficiency.

1. Manuscript Submission

Authors submit manuscripts through the journal’s online submission system or via the designated email address (editorial_office@rsglobal.pl). Submissions must comply with the journal’s Author Guidelines regarding formatting, structure, ethical compliance, and referencing style.

2. Initial Editorial Assessment

Upon submission, the manuscript is reviewed by the Editorial Office for:

  • Compliance with submission guidelines.
  • Alignment with the scope of World Science.
  • Plagiarism screening using professional tools (e.g., iThenticate).
    Manuscripts that fail to meet these requirements may be rejected without peer review or returned for necessary revisions.

3. Assignment to Section Editor

Manuscripts passing initial checks are assigned to an appropriate Section Editor based on the subject matter. The Section Editor evaluates the manuscript’s suitability for peer review and may reject it at this stage if it does not meet the journal’s scientific or editorial standards.

4. Double-Blind Peer Review

Eligible manuscripts proceed to double-blind peer review, where both authors and reviewers remain anonymous. The Section Editor invites two or more independent reviewers with expertise in the relevant field. Reviewers evaluate the manuscript based on:

  • Originality and significance of the research.
  • Scientific soundness and methodology.
  • Clarity of presentation and logical structure.
  • Ethical compliance and proper data handling.
    Reviewers submit detailed comments and a recommendation:
  • Accept
  • Minor Revision
  • Major Revision
  • Reject

5. Editorial Decision

The Section Editor reviews the peer reviewers’ reports and makes a recommendation to the Editor-in-Chief, who makes the final decision. The decision is communicated to the authors along with anonymized reviewer feedback. Possible outcomes:

  • Accept
  • Revise and Resubmit (Minor or Major Revisions)
  • Reject

6. Revisions and Resubmission

Authors are invited to submit a revised manuscript addressing all reviewer comments, along with a detailed response letter outlining changes made. The revised submission may undergo further review by the original reviewers or be assessed directly by the editor.

7. Final Acceptance and Production

Once accepted, the manuscript enters production, where it undergoes:

  • Copyediting for language, clarity, and formatting.
  • Typesetting and layout for online publication.
  • Assignment of a DOI (Digital Object Identifier).
    Authors receive proofs for final approval before publication.

8. Online Publication

The final version of the article is published online in Open Access format, freely accessible to readers worldwide. The article is indexed and archived in relevant databases and repositories.

Editorial Oversight and Integrity

  • The editorial team is composed of qualified subject experts who ensure fair and unbiased evaluation of all submissions.
  • World Science adheres to the ethical standards of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
  • The editorial office handles any concerns related to research misconduct, conflicts of interest, or ethical violations in accordance with established policies.

Timeline Overview

  • Initial Editorial Screening: 5–7 days
  • Peer Review Process: 21–28 days
  • Submission to Publication: Approximately 54 days