World Science <p style="line-height: 1.5;"><strong>p-ISSN:</strong> 2413-1032<br><strong>e-ISSN:</strong> 2414-6404<br><strong>DOI:</strong> 10.31435/rsglobal_ws<br><strong>OCLC Number:</strong> 1051262033<br><strong>Publisher:</strong> RS Global Sp. z O.O., Poland<br><strong>Subject areas:</strong> Engineering and Medicine<br><strong>Submission to publication:</strong> 54 days<br><strong><span class="sc-hwwEjo cdchLr">Acceptance rate: </span></strong><span class="sc-kPVwWT hZDpyF">58%</span></p> RS Global Sp. z O.O. en-US World Science 2413-1032 <p>All articles are published in open-access and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). Hence, authors retain copyright to the content of the articles.<br>CC BY 4.0 License allows content to be copied, adapted, displayed, distributed, re-published or otherwise re-used for any purpose including for adaptation and commercial use provided the content is attributed.</p> OPTIMIZATION OF CROSS-PLATFORM APPLICATIONS USING THE REACT LIBRARY <p>In today's world, with the growing use of mobile devices, the importance of creating cross-platform applications that provide high performance and quality of user experience has increased significantly. Improving the creation of such applications using React and React Native opens up wide opportunities for developers due to the possibility of code reuse, high development speed and ease of innovation, and is especially relevant because it concerns not only the technological aspects of development, but also economic efficiency, quality of user experience and the speed of introducing innovations to the software market. Open source and active community communication allow rapid identification and resolution of issues, development of new features and enhancements, and the sharing of knowledge and experience between developers. This creates a positive environment for innovation and growth, promotes rapid technological progress, and improves the quality of end products. The paper analyzes the key aspects and challenges associated with the creation of cross-platform applications, analyzes the main types of optimizations at different levels of development, including the component level, the state and data level, the level of working with APIs and external data, as well as the loading and code level. Special attention is paid to the integration of synchronous and asynchronous rendering to achieve optimal performance and user experience. Highlights the benefits of flexible state management using state managers, as well as the importance of image and media optimization to improve overall website performance. The article notes the role of the developer community in the process of improvement and innovation. Developers who master these technologies and optimize their application can create products that not only meet the requirements of the time, but also form new standards in the field of mobile and web development. Further research and integration of the latest technologies into the development process of cross-platform applications will have a significant impact on the software industry.</p> Kutsenko Olexandr Bezverhiy Olexandr Copyright (c) 2024 Kutsenko Olexandr, Bezverhiy Olexandr 2024-09-16 2024-09-16 3(85) 10.31435/rsglobal_ws/30092024/8218 A REVIEW ON MACHINE LEARNING APPROACHES FOR THE DETECTION OF SUICIDAL TENDENCIES <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">With the increasing prevalence of mental health issues, particularly suicidal behaviors, the need for early and accurate detection has become critical. This paper explores the current landscape of machine learning approaches used for the detection of suicidal tendencies. It examines a wide range of machine learning techniques applied to various data sources, including social media, clinical records, psychological assessments, self-reported forms like PHQ-9, audio speech recordings, and multimodal data integrating speech and visual information. This comprehensive review aims to reveal the types of existing research based on these varied datasets, highlighting the nuances of data collection, significant features identified, and the results obtained by different studies. Additionally, the review discusses the challenges and limitations associated with these approaches, providing researchers and practitioners with valuable insights into the potential and pitfalls of machine learning applications in diagnosing individuals at risk of suicide. The goal is to inform future research and improve early detection methods to ultimately reduce suicide rates.</span></p> Kazi Golam Rabbany Aisultan Shoiynbek Darkhan Kuanyshbay Assylbek Mukhametzhanov Akbayan Bekarystankyzy Temirlan Shoiynbek Copyright (c) 2024 Kazi Golam Rabbany, Aisultan Shoiynbek, Darkhan Kuanyshbay, Assylbek Mukhametzhanov, Akbayan Bekarystankyzy, Temirlan Shoiynbek 2024-09-19 2024-09-19 3(85) 10.31435/rsglobal_ws/30092024/8222 ESTABLISHING AN INTEGRATED MILITARY AND CIVIL NETWORK FOR MONGOLIA'S AIR RANGE CONTROL AND COMMAND <p>Mongolia's strategic location at the intersection of major air routes connecting developed countries positions it favorably for the future growth of its aeronautical service system. With increasing international intercontinental flights, the air traffic density is expected to rise significantly. To ensure air traffic safety, it is crucial to enhance airspace control and air traffic management services in Mongolia. This includes upgrading primary and secondary radars and establishing a unified management network for airspace control and utilization. These improvements will streamline air border control, eliminate delays in air traffic data reporting, enhance civil and military air traffic control operations, and bolster flight safety measures.</p> Boldbaatar Chogdon Copyright (c) 2024 Boldbaatar Chogdon 2024-08-20 2024-08-20 3(85) 10.31435/rsglobal_ws/30092024/8213 TESTING OF MODELS OF BRIDGE DECKS WITH REINFORCED CONCRETE FIXED FORMWORK <p>In Ukraine, in the second half of the 20th century, the vast majority of highway bridges span structures were built from precast concrete. This was due to the requirement of construction industrialization in the USSR, which required the maximum use of prefab structures. Therefore, the bridge deck slabs had a significant number of longitudinal joints. The experience of maintenance of bridges prefabricated reinforced concrete span structures has shown that a significant number of defects occur in their slabs due to the presence of joints.</p> <p>Taking into account the above, the current state building regulations of Ukraine for bridge design indicate that in the case of using prefabricated reinforced concrete beams, their surface should be covered with a layer of cast-in-situ reinforced concrete with a thickness of at least 14 cm.</p> <p>Taking these requirements into account, reinforced concrete span structures of highway bridges are arranged mainly precast and cast-in-situ: installing of precast beams, concreting of the cast-in-situ slab above them. This design requires using of formwork for the slab installation.</p> <p>A promising direction in cast-in-situ bridge construction is using of various types of permanent formwork. However, their use has not been studied to date. Having studied the experience of using non-removable formwork, it is proposed to test series of samples to determine the suitability for further operation of one or another option, in addition to studying of the joint operation of non-removable formwork plates as part of the combined cross-section of the deck slab.</p> Dmytro Kot Olena Kot Copyright (c) 2024 Dmytro Kot, Olena Kot 2024-09-19 2024-09-19 3(85) 10.31435/rsglobal_ws/30092024/8221 ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVEMENT WORKING CONDITIONS ON ASCENTS AND DESCENTS OF HIGHWAYS <p>The article deals with the peculiarities of the operation of asphalt concrete layers of non-rigid pavement in the ascent and descent zones.<br>It has been established that on ascents and descents of roads, where the speed of vehicles most often changes, the pavement is subjected to more intensive wear than on straight sections. In addition, changes in temperature, water and frost effects, as well as the effects of salt and other chemicals, negatively affect the operational condition of the asphalt pavement and its overhaul period. Premature and more intense destruction of the asphalt pavement creates dangerous situations for road users due to the formation of cracks, pits and frequent repairs.<br>In addition, it is often forgotten, but pavement repairs and traffic congestion cause changes in the traffic regime on the roads, which is often not taken into account when calculating non-rigid pavements.</p> <p>The article deals with a spatial finite element model that allows describing the stress-strain state of each element of the pavement structure under the influence of traffic load. The deformations, displacements, and stresses in the asphalt concrete layers of the pavement structure are analyzed. The circumstances that may affect the premature formation of cracks and lead to a decrease in the durability of asphalt pavement and pavement structures in general were identified.<br>The conducted research allows us to identify and eliminate potential hazards that arise during the operation of pavement. The obtained results can be implemented in the design of pavements in areas with difficult traffic in the ascent and descent zones.</p> Mozhovyi Volodymyr Vasylovych Oleksandr Volodymyrovych Kushnir Levkivska Liydmyla Volodymyrivna Kutsman Oleksandr Mykhailovych Hrynchak Ilona Illivna Copyright (c) 2024 Mozhovyi Volodymyr Vasylovych, Oleksandr Volodymyrovych Kushnir, Levkivska Liydmyla Volodymyrivna, Kutsman Oleksandr Mykhailovych, Hrynchak Ilona Illivna 2024-09-16 2024-09-16 3(85) 10.31435/rsglobal_ws/30092024/8220 FEATURES OF FORMATION AND SEARCH FOR GROUNDWATER IN VOLCANIC REGIONS (BASED ON COMPREHENSIVE STUDIES OF THE DRAINAGE BASINS OF MOUNT ARAGATS MASSIF, RA) <p>Numerous targeted studies have been conducted in many regions of volcanism due to the exploitation of the Earth's natural heat, the use of thermal springs, and the search for mineral resources. Scientific and practical tasks are solved, in particular, during exploration and prospecting for water to meet water supply and irrigation needs. Increasing the efficiency of surveys and the reliability of the results obtained requires the improvement of search methods and techniques. Solving problems in volcanic regions is complicated by the fact that the sought-after marker horizons are mainly hidden under a thick cover of lava flows and sheets. This circumstance particularly necessitates the use of a combination of various research methods during water exploration and prospecting.</p> Ani Gevorgyan Robert Minasyan Copyright (c) 2024 Ani Gevorgyan, Robert Minasyan 2024-09-18 2024-09-18 3(85) 10.31435/rsglobal_ws/30092024/82181 SYNOPTIC CONDITIONS FOR DANGEROUS FLUCTUATIONS OF SEA LEVEL IN THE PORTS OF ODESSA <p>Rapid and significant changes in water levels can pose a danger to all marine vehicles, they can also affect coastal structures, accelerate coastal erosion processes and affect coastal ecosystems.&nbsp;Drops in the level of the Black Sea in the Odesa region occur mainly with northwesterly and westerly winds with an intensity 4-18 m/s in the cold half of the year, when a cyclonic vortex or an elongated baric basin formed over the Black Sea. At the same time, the interaction of the cyclone with the area of high pressure created a storm zone, where the northwest wind intensified. The storm surges were formed in the south and southeast direction of the wind at a speed of 8-18 m/s under the influence of a zone of large atmospheric pressure gradients between the trough over Eastern and Central Europe and the ridge of high pressure to the east of Ukraine.</p> Semerhei-Chumachenko Alina Shepel Victoriya Copyright (c) 2024 Semerhei-Chumachenko Alina, Shepel Victoriya 2024-08-20 2024-08-20 3(85) 10.31435/rsglobal_ws/30092024/8215 A NOVEL LECTIN CONTAINING PROTEIN FRACTIONS FROM ARTEMISIA DRACUNCULUS AND MENTHA PULEGIUM, SOME ISOLATION PROPERTIES AND POTENTIAL IN MEDICINE <p>Lectins show antiviral activity as well. The growing resistance of microorganisms to convectional antimicrobial agents is a source of concern to clinical microbiologists all over the world. As a result, efforts are being made to develop antimicrobial agents from local sources for better chemotherapeutic effects. A novel lectin containing protein fractions (AD1 and MP1) are isolated from widespread commercially available edible plants Artemisia dracunculus and Mentha pulegium. The fractions had special agglutinating activity with rabbit trypsin-treated erythrocytes at minimum concentrations of 0.05 mg/ml and 0.017 mg/ml respectively. Furthermore, lectin activity of isolated fractions was confirmed by the inhibition of hemagglutination activities with carbohydrates D-galactose (in the case of Artemisia dracunculus) and Dtrehalose dehydrate (in the case of Mentha pulegium) at minimum concentrations of 0.78 mM and 25 mM respectively. Due to the carbohydrate specificity, lectin containing fraction from Mentha pulegium inhibits growth and development of Actinomyces griseus and Streptomyces albogriseolus subsp. Aragviensis. Many anti-inflammatory medications currently prescribed are of plant origin. So, the biggest challenge is to move from demonstrating the effectiveness of plant extracts to identifying molecules that have the desired effect. Soluble galactosespecific lectin fraction from Artemisia dracunculus has no effect on growth and development of Actinomicetes, while soluble lectin fraction with trehalose binding specificity inhibits growth and development of Actinomyces griseus, and Streptomyces albogriseolus subsp. Aragviensis, but no action was detected in the case of Nocardiopsis dessonvillei. Based on the data only Mentha pulegium soluble lectin influence on spore viability has been studied.</p> Liliana Tskitishvili Nodar Sulashvili Matrona Chachua Copyright (c) 2024 Liliana Tskitishvili, Nodar Sulashvili, Matrona Chachua 2024-09-06 2024-09-06 3(85) 10.31435/rsglobal_ws/30092024/8216 MORPHOLOGY OF THE HEART IN THE DELAYED PERIOD OF EXPOSURE TO LOW DOSES OF LEAD <p>The aim of this study was to investigate the delayed effects of low doses of lead exposure on the hart using an original experimental model for studying the delayed effects. Analysis of the obtained morphological picture revealed structural abnormalities affecting both the muscular and stromal-vascular components. The degree of damage is in direct correlation with the received dose of lead. The above indicates that lead loading, even in low doses, is accompanied by structural abnormalities in the heart even after a long time. Most likely, this is due to the ability of lead to accumulate in the body and remain there for a long time. Vascular disorders play a certain, if not the main, role in the damage to muscle cells. However, the presence of a complex mechanism, which also implies primary damage to cardiomyocytes under the influence of lead, cannot be ruled out. Due to the properties of lead and its impact on the body, and also due to the fact that it is impossible to stop the spread of lead in nature, it is important, along with the study of the mechanisms and results of lead exposure, to find prophylactic means that displace lead ions from the body and regulate metabolism, which is affected by their activity.</p> Pataraia Giorgi Mermanishvili Tatiana Tchatchia Grigol Tchaturidze Nana Copyright (c) 2024 Pataraia Giorgi, Mermanishvili Tatiana, Tchatchia Grigol, Tchaturidze Nana 2024-09-18 2024-09-18 3(85) 10.31435/rsglobal_ws/30092024/8219