• Alona Nieliepova Assistant Professor, Ukraine, Kyiv, National University of life Environmental Science of Ukraine
Keywords: challenge, StartUp EcoChallenge, information space, ecology, e-environment, social networks, startup, innovation


The active development and start-up of startups is characterized by the positive dynamics of their growth. Increased activity to support startups in the field of government regulation, rapid development of educational space, the emergence of business incubators and startups, organizations that support the space, support for funding both external and internal.
The key aspects of the creation of environmental startups are considered, the mechanisms of their active promotion in the network are revealed. The role of the center of innovation activity of higher agricultural education institutions in the preparation of start-up projects has been determined through the prism of the main advantages and disadvantages of EcoChallenge.
From the standpoint of scientific and pedagogical paradigm, development of entrepreneurial and innovative activity, systematic approach to the formation of business competence. The semantic analysis of "Challenge" made it possible to determine the popularity of the word and the main stages of such an event as Challenge. The mechanisms of development of the eco-union are revealed.
The key aspects of the event information environment model for solving electronic communication issues and informing the participants are highlighted. Structural Elements of the Information Field Identified The color scheme and structure of the site were selected according to the purpose of the event.


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How to Cite
Alona Nieliepova. (2019). ORGANIZATION OF EVENTS «CHALLENGE». ELECTRONIC ENVIRONMENT OF EVENTS. International Journal of Innovative Technologies in Social Science, (9(21), 13-20.