The article analyzes the actualization of a problem of renewed interpretation of the centuries-old Ukrainian-Polish confrontation, in particular, in the Liberation War of Ukrainian people in the mid-17th century. The researcher goes deep into the vision and interpretation of those events as excessive apologetization of the Polish knights "without fear and reproach" in Polish historiography and in the novel by G. Sienkiewicz "Fire and Sword". There is reminded a sharply negative remark was made by the Ukrainian historian V. Antonovich about work of G. Senkevich, and supported by historian-local historian Ya. Novitsky. Oppositionally critical opinion about G. Sienkiewicz's dominates in the novel by O. Sokolovsky "Bohun" – works is a multi-faceted, shows how the labor masses, Ukrainian peasants without rights, "claps" became the decisive force in gaining liberation. However, there is seen the ideological class approach on the direction of artistic modeling against the Cossack elders. The story of Y. Kachur "Ivan Bogun" was seen by literary critic T. Syrotyuk as a polemical answer to O.Sokolovsky's novel. For the sake of the then goverment M. Sirotiuk emphasized that P. Panch in his novel "Rustling Ukraine" was able to clearly outline the social structure of the contemporary Ukrainian society, to convincingly show relations between its class parts, their place and role in the war. In analyzing of N. Rybak's novel "The Pereiaslav Council," the critic dared to criticize the tangible author's tendency to adorn Russian-Ukrainian relations of that time, the ideology of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, his ambassadors and voivods. The Critic V.Belyaev responded to the thrillion of Ivan Le "Khmelnytsky", joining the Soviet official vision: Hetman raised the people to fight for reunification with brotherly Russia.
Particular feature of the historical story of Raisa Ivanchenko "Spilled steep banks" is a problematic field of reproduction of real, not fantasized events and phenomena, the accent on a very active participation in the peasantry's liberation war, the proof of the problem of "cruelty generates double cruelty". In the artistic modeling of the Pereyaslav Council, R. Ivanchenko, in contrast to N. Rybak, details the hetman's desire to make the tsar-autocrat to swear allegiance to Ukrainians as well as the boyars evasion from a direct answer. It was a significant writer's interest in the dramatic fate of Ukraine during the Ruin Time (60-70s of the 17th century). New aspects of the struggle of Voivodes groups for the Hetman's mace, the brutal interference of neighboring powerful powers in Ukrainian affairs, and the trial of man by the authorities included in the story of Yu.Mushketka "Getman, the son of Hetman" compared to the novels of P. Kulish "Black Council" and O. Pakhuchy “Yurys Khmelnychenko”. Good focused the problem of parents and children, the relationships of children 10-14 years in the story of Maria Morozenko "Ivan Sirko, a great magician."
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