The article is devoted to the analysis of modern historiography concerning the place and the role of literature and art in the rise of Ukrainian national and cultural revival of the second half of the ХІХth – the first third of the ХХth century. It has been found out that historians consider the works of writers, poets, linguists, artists of Ukrainian theater, music, fine arts as a key factor and simultaneously a manifestation of the rise of Ukrainian national and cultural movement. It has been revealed that consideration of the literary and artistic component of national revival in close relation to social and political processes is common to modern historiography. Historians believe that Ukrainian artists formulated the slogans of state and national independence of the Ukrainians in a figurative and metaphorical form, and ensured these slogans dissemination to the general public. Attention is drawn to the fact that in the historiographical discourse particular attention has been paid to the study of the place and the role of literature and arts in disseminating the Ukrainian language, Ukrainianization of the social, cultural and everyday spheres of life of contemporary Ukrainian nation. Conclusions are drawn that the spread of the Ukrainian language by means of literature and art has played a significant role in the development of Ukrainian self-awareness and the formation of value and cultural foundation of national identity.
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