The general picture of education reform in Azerbaijan gives rise to an optimistic mood. The main goal here is to provide the growing young generation with the necessary scientific knowledge, to instill life skills and habits in them, and to educate them on national values. For the realization of such a strategic goal, every teacher should be guided by the main principles of educational reform (democratization, humanization, differentiation, individualization, integration) in their work, and should be able to use it skillfully and efficiently in their pedagogical work. It is possible to achieve high success by applying modern training methods to teaching on the spot (and if necessary). At present, interactive teaching methods (interactive and “active” words are synonyms) are increasingly being used in schools. By applying these to their practical work, literature teachers have a great responsibility. Therefore, every teacher should deeply master the structure, stages, work forms, and methods of the active lesson, and then skillfully apply it to their pedagogical work. Currently, the modern teaching method “Curriculum” is reflected as a pedagogical terminology in schools. This term is of Latin origin and means “way”, “direction”. That is, the curriculum is a conceptual document that includes some issues related to the content, organization and assessment of student knowledge. In order to apply it to his pedagogical work, the teacher must first study and master this teaching method deeply and comprehensively. Otherwise, he cannot achieve his desired goal. Because there are fundamental differences between the traditional education program and the Curriculum education program.
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