• Teqwa Bechaa PhD Student, University Saad Dahlab Blida1, Institute of Architecture and Urban Planning (I.A.U) Laboratory of Environment and Technology for Architecture and Heritage. Blida, Algeria
  • Krimo Dahmani Lecturer A, University Saad Dahlab Blida1, Institute of Architecture and Urban Planning (I.A.U) Laboratory of Environment and Technology for Architecture and Heritage. Blida, Algeria
  • Djamel Alkama Full Professor, University of Guelma, 8 Mai 1945, Departement of architecture. Guelma. Algeria
  • Assoule Dechaicha Lecturer A, University of M’sila, Society and Sustainable Development CESSD, Laboratory of City, Environment. M’sila. Algeria
Keywords: Vegetation, Urban Landscape, Urban Fabric, Landscape Metrics, Guelma


In cities, land use changes caused by various human activities can affect how natural ecosystems function. In this context, it is increasingly important for cities to consider the role of vegetation in preserving a sustainable environment. A diachronic analysis of landscape changes was applied to assess the presence and distribution of vegetation to determine whether it was evolving or regressing. This phenomenon was studied within the current administrative boundaries of the city of Guelma (Algeria). For this purpose, as an approach based on landscape metrics, several Landsat TM and ETM+ remote sensing satellite images were used throughout the period 1987-2019. A set of landscape indices, including NP, AREA_MN, LPI, PLAND, AI and LSI, were calculated to map land cover, the mechanism of land cover and vegetation change, and their impact on the urban ecosystem. The geo-statistical procedure was carried out using a geographic information system Qgis combined by statistical software using Fragstats to calculate various landscape metrics at class level for the analysis of fragmentation . The results of the landscape metric analysis show that the decrease in average area and the increase in the number of green patches are important indicators of land degradation, meaning that the mechanism of landscape degradation and transformation is progressive. This underlines the need to give particular attention to land use and land cover in the region to ensure the sustainable allocation of natural resources.


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How to Cite
Teqwa Bechaa, Krimo Dahmani, Djamel Alkama, & Assoule Dechaicha. (2024). THE ROLE AND IMPACT OF VEGETATION ON THE URBAN FABRIC. CASE OF GUELMA CITY. International Journal of Innovative Technologies in Social Science, (3(43).