• Ouafa Saighi Laboratory “Architecture, Ville, Métiers et Formation” University of Constantine 3, Algeria. Centre de Recherche en Aménagement du Territoire (CRAT), Campus Zouaghi Slimane, Route de Ain el Bey, 25000 Constantine, Algérie
  • Salima Rayene Kadri Laboratory “Architecture, Ville, Métiers et Formation” University of Constantine 3, Algeria
  • Assia Kadri Laboratory “Architecture, Ville, Métiers et Formation” University of Constantine 3, Algeria
  • Souad Sassi Laboratory “Architecture, Ville, Métiers et Formation” University of Constantine 3, Algeria
Keywords: Professional Integration, Labor Market, Career Path, University Training, Project Management, Survey


The professional integration of graduates is a key indicator of the quality and relevance of university curricula. This paper analyses a tracking review of graduates of the project management course at the University of Constantine 3. It is based on a survey conducted over a number of years among graduates of this course since the first class graduated. This study provides an overview of the program after 13 years.
The preliminary results obtained, although partial, reveal a satisfactory rate of employability among graduates, as well as a diversity of choices in terms of sectors of activity and places of work. These observations provide an interesting insight into the career paths of former students. In addition, this longitudinal study provides pertinent points of reflection for the continuous improvement of training offers in order to better respond to the evolving requirements of the labor market and the competencies targeted by employers.


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How to Cite
Ouafa Saighi, Salima Rayene Kadri, Assia Kadri, & Souad Sassi. (2024). MONITORING OF PROFESSIONAL INTEGRATION OF HIGHER EDUCATION GRADUATES: A SURVEY IN THE PROJECT MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT. International Journal of Innovative Technologies in Social Science, (2(42).