The new city of Ali Mendjeli in Constantine has capitalized on the extension of the tramway line by adopting a sustainable mode of transportation that has significantly reduced car usage and alleviated congestion in the city. The introduction of the tramway has also led to the creation of outdoor amenities such as widened sidewalks, green spaces, and resting areas, which have promoted pedestrian activity. The objective of our research was to examine the impact of the tramway's arrival on pedestrian accessibility in this city. To achieve this, we employed a mixed methodology that combined quantitative and qualitative tools. We distributed a questionnaire to a sample of residents in the new city of Ali Mendjeli and conducted on-site observations as well. The findings of our study clearly demonstrated that the arrival of the tramway in the new city of Ali Mendjeli and the accompanying outdoor enhancements along its route have had a positive impact on pedestrian accessibility in the city.
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