As for the main research method, this study is based on the qualitative approach. For this purpose, the method of in-depth interviews - with Georgian active internet users – has been conducted. The respondents are doctors, journalists as well as representatives of different academic fields, who possess media literacy skills. This year marks the 160th anniversary of the birth of the well-known literary scholar, publicist-writer, critic and translator Firidun Bey Ahmed Agha Oghlu Kocherli. He left his name in memory as a creator of the history of literary literature who had exceptional services in the history of public opinion of the Azerbaijani people, the author of "Gift to Children", a collector of folk literature, and a person who had an exceptional service in the formation of a great army of teachers. F. Kocherli was born on January 26, 1863 in the city of Shusha, the cultural capital of Azerbaijan and the home of poetry. The main period of his life, literary and pedagogical activity was connected with the Transcaucasian Teachers' Seminary, founded in 1876 in the city of Gori, Georgia, known as the Gori Teachers' Seminary.
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