• Gayane Marukyan Acting head of chair of civil law and civil procedure police educational complex of republic of Armenia Police capitan
Keywords: Civil Code, Contractual lrelations, Enterpreneurial Contract, Conclusions, Legal Understanding, Scientific Assumptions


The scientific assumptions on this or that legal phenomenon are based on its' historical development and legal understanding. The entrepreneurial contracts have their great role in the development of business relations regulation. The article refers to the phenomenon and gives light to the legal framework and understanding of the contract and its role in different time periods on the development of business relations.


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How to Cite
Marukyan, G. (2023). EVOLUTION OF ENTREPRENEURIAL CONTRACTS DEVELOPMENT: BRIEF HISTORICAL DIGRESSION. International Journal of Innovative Technologies in Social Science, (1(37). https://doi.org/10.31435/rsglobal_ijitss/30032023/7945