Changes at business environment continue happening, at one time of period it is a gradual change, and at another time of period it is a drastic change. Not all corporate executives are ready to find an answer to adapt with this constant change, most of the time they also need ideas, feedback, and support from organization members. Hence, organizations need as many as possible innovative, motivated, responsible, and customer-focused organization members that can help organizations to adapt with the changing business environment. Among various methods that are able to improve the participation and support of organization members, the authors choose Dr. David Cooperaider and Dr. Suresh Srivastra's Appreciative Inquiry (1987). The reason for this is because many organizations have used Appreciative Inquiry with positive outcomes. Furthermore, Appreciative Inquiry is not limited to specific organizations. A survey is conducted to depict the readiness of organizations in Indonesia to adopt and implement Appreciative Inquiry.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Johannes Buntoro Darmasetiawan, Rapina Rapina, Rosalina O.Fuentess, Robert Oloan Rajagukguk
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