The impact of Covid-19 has given more attention to the tourism sector. The level of threat and risk from the Covid-19 pandemic significantly reduces the intention of tourists to stay at hotels. Cleanliness, Health, Safety and Environmental Sustainability (CHSE) promotes a clean, healthy, safe and friendly environment. CHSE is a policy implemented by the government, especially by the Indonesian Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy in preventing the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia. The purpose of this study was to determine the impact of implementing the CHSE protocol in the tourism, hospitality, and restaurant sectors during the Covid-19 pandemic and to see future research opportunities that might be carried out regarding the implementation of the CHSE protocol in Indonesia. This study is a literature review study to see the impact of the implementation of the CHSE protocol on various business sectors. This research was conducted by collecting articles through the Mandeley search engine, Google Scholar, Google. The articles used are articles published in the last 5 years maximum, then analysis and conclusions are drawn. Based on the results of a study of 13 articles, it was found that the implementation of CHSE was able to have a positive impact on companies, especially in restoring economic performance in the business and tourism sectors. From the results of the review, 67% of the CHSE protocols were applied to the tourism sector, 20% in the hotel sector and 13% in the restaurant sector. The impact of implementing CHSE in various sectors, which has the most impact on the economy and 28% interest in visiting tourist attractions. In addition, there are also other impacts of the implementation of CHSE, namely the level of visitor confidence by 18%, visitor satisfaction by 9%, comfort by 9%, Thrust 18% and a sense of security by 18%. The application of CHSE is urgently needed in the tourism, hotel and restaurant sectors to increase the level of the economy during the Covid-19 pandemic. The implementation of CHSE is prioritized in the tourism sector because it has a contribution to the country's economy.
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