The scientific works on agroclimatic zoning and assessments of the bioclimatic potential of the territory are widely represented in agroclimatology. Almost all of them are based on semi-empirical equations and formulas of various indices for calculating agroclimatic parameters. The work’s purpose is an attempt to construct a comprehensive assessment of agroclimatic resources based on a theoretical mathematical model of the objective function and a scheme for its differentiation across the territory of Kazakhstan. The most frequently considered spring wheat in works on agroclimatology was chosen as the object of the study. The initial factual material is maps from the National Atlas of the Republic of Kazakhstan. To convert the cartographic information into quantitative, the method of constructing grid models of the selected maps was used with the subsequent determination of the quantitative initial values of the parameters in the centers of the blocks. The paper describes in detail the methodology for constructing rating scales for converting the values of parameters with different units of measurement into comparable scores, which were used to calculate the values of the partial and integral objective functions. The visualization of the results of calculating the integral objective function for the territory of Kazakhstan confirmed the correctness of the distribution over the territory of the previously identified zones of favorableness’s different levels for the spring wheat cultivation, and therefore the possibility of using the objective function model for a comprehensive assessment of the territory agroclimatic potential.
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