In this article, verbal lexemes are classified according to the nomination of the activity of nouns. Consequently, they are called upon to denote what is the “characteristic activity” of nouns of specific semantic classes, semantic thematic series and individual lexemes, as well as to the principle of generalization of different semantic classes, a group of thematic series, which is proved on specific verb examples and it is necessary to conclude that verbs can be divided into verbs of narrow and wide nominations, Depending on the semantic structure of verbs, their direct and figurative meanings differ, Often the potential seme of a verb is a concretizer and indicates the semantic class, groups and thematic series of nouns, and thus the verb actualizes its meaning in speech.
The starting point of this work is the fact that "there are no objects without properties and relations and properties and relations without objects", therefore, verbs as well as nouns can be subjected to such classifications as nouns, where nouns of being, abstractness, concreteness, animate, inanimate are distinguished, anthroponymy, faunonymy, as well as certain semantic groups, thematic series and at the level of individual lexemes, as indicated by specific examples.
Thus, we have to conclude that the verb is designed in the language to designate the characteristic activity of certain nouns, combining with it in speech its actual meaning is revealed and thereby determines its relevance to a particular semantic class, semantic groups or thematic series, and thus the verbs of a narrow and a wide nomination from a wide nomination. Depending on the semantic structure of the verbs, their direct and figurative meanings differ. Often a potential seme of a verb is a concretizer and indicates the semantic class, groups and thematic series of nouns, and thus the verb actualizes its meaning in speech.
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