The article analyzes the social and psychological factors of psychological well-being of the individual. The results of psychological well-being between homosexuals and heterosexuals were examined and compared. The complexity of studying the phenomenon of psychological well-being is due to the fact that the mechanism of its formation is in the social environment and in the inner world of man. An attempt is made to reveal their essence on the basis of researches in world and national science. The components that provide positive personality functioning are analyzed and investigated: autonomy, environmental management, personal growth, positive relationships with others, presence of life goals and self-acceptance. Psychological well-being of the individual is considered as an integral indicator of the degree of realization of the personality of one's own orientation, which is subjectively manifested in feelings of happiness, satisfaction with life and oneself. It is concluded that this phenomenon touches on all aspects of people's lives, both homo- and hetero-orientations, and therefore, a person with any sexual orientation is capable of self-actualization, self-development, life satisfaction and the exercise of one's choice.
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