• О. В. Бучнева к.м.н., доцент кафедри Хірургії No1 ХНМУ, завідуюча кардіохірургічним відділенням ДУ «Інститут загальної та невідкладної хірургії ім. В.Т. Зайцева», м. Харків, Україна
Keywords: aortic aneurysm, apoptosis, immunological research


The growing number of complicated aneurysms of the aorta requires further study of this pathology, the allocation of major pathophysiological components to improve the quality of treatment, prevention of complications of the disease. An urgent work is under way to detect immune-inflammatory reactions and the effects of apoptosis in complicated aortic aneurysms of different localization, to assess the possibility of their effect on perioperative flow and complications in the course of surgical treatment. The immune system and serotonin apoptotic markers have been analyzed in patients who underwent surgical treatment for acute aortic syndrome.


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How to Cite
О. В. Бучнева. (2019). АПОПТОЗ ТА ІМУННЕ ЗАПАЛЕННЯ У ХВОРИХ З ГОСТРИМ АОРТАЛЬНИМ СИНДРОМОМ. World Science, 2(2(42), 29-34. https://doi.org/10.31435/rsglobal_ws/28022019/6358