• Raykov T. National association for prevention and theurapeutical education
  • Georgieva E. Medical University "Prof. Dr. Paraskev Stoyanov" Varna -Medical College
  • Kostadinova T. Medical University "Prof. Dr. Paraskev Stoyanov" Varna -Medical College
  • Nedyalkova I. National association for prevention and theurapeutical education
  • Petrova G. Department of pharmaceutical sciences and pharmaceutical management, Medical University "Prof. Dr. Paraskev Stoyanov"
Keywords: abortion, legally induced abortion, abortion rate, abortion ratio


Every year, in Bulgaria nearly half of the pregnancies end up with an abortion. It is well known that every abortion hides a risk for every woman that had this kind of medical intervention. Also lowers the ability of having another pregnancy, having a healthy carrying and giving a natural childbirth. On other side, abortions are associated with being a significant factor which regulates the demografic features of the population. There is a tendency that most of the Bulgarian women use the abortion like alternative method for contraception. This is due to the fact that since 1956 there isn`t a law that prohibit the performing of abortion by choice of the pregnant woman. For the period from 1967 to 1998, many statistics show that the number of the abortions is significantly higher than the number of the actual childbirths. However, through out the next few years there is a stable tendency of dropping the number of abortions. Overall, in 2014 there is a solid tendency for the decreasing numbers of the abortions in Bulgaria between the period of 2000-2013.


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EUROSTAT.//< > (13.01.2016).





How to Cite
Raykov T., Georgieva E., Kostadinova T., Nedyalkova I., & Petrova G. (2016). ANALYSIS OF THE ABORTIONS IN BULGARIA FOR 2014. World Science, 3(2(6), 28-31. Retrieved from