• Бубенчикова В. Н. Д. ф. н., профессор, Курский государственный медицинский университет
  • Сипливая Л. Е. Д. б. н., профессор, Курский государственный медицинский университет
  • Никитин Е. А. Курский государственный медицинский университет
Keywords: Campanula rotundifolia, nitrogenous bases, sum of nitrogenous bases, paper chromatography, photoelectrocolorimeters


This article analyzes the nitrogenous bases, which are a widespread class of biologically active natural compounds, having a high and versatile pharmacological activity. For the analysis of selected plant of the family Campanulaceae - Campanula rotundifolia was harvested in Kursk region in 2015 during the mass flowering of plants.
To prove the presence of nitrogenous bases with water extractions, in the raw material of harebell the qualitative reaction with 3% solution of phosphotungstic acid, a hydrochloric acid solution and brilliant green, with Mandelina have been performed. All reactions were positive, indicating the presence of nitrogenous bases in the raw material of harebell.
To confirm the presence of nitrogen bases chromatography has also been carried out on paper in a water extraction system in the following solvent system: n-butanol - acetic acid - water (4: 1: 2). Chromatograms have been developed in a desiccator with iodine vapor, five spots have been detected with a dark orange color assigned to the nitrogenous bases.
For the quantitative determination of nitrogen bases the modified technique by G.A. Lukovnikova and A.I. Esyutina have been used. The basis of the method is determining the optical density of colored complexes of nitrogen bases with Reinecke salt. The content of the amount of nitrogenous bases in the raw material of 0.16%.


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How to Cite
Бубенчикова В. Н., Сипливая Л. Е., & Никитин Е. А. (2016). АЗОТИСТЫЕ ОСНОВАНИЯ КОЛОКОЛЬЧИКА КРУГЛОЛИСТНОГО (CAMPANULA RОTUNDIFOLIA L.). World Science, 3(2(6), 15-17. Retrieved from https://rsglobal.pl/index.php/ws/article/view/886