• Неведомська Є. О. Канд. пед. наук , кафедра анатомії і фізіології людини Інституту людини Київського університету імені Бориса Грінченка
Keywords: water, corals, coral calcium, coral waters, corn seeds, bean seeds, plant growth, development of plants


The body of an adult contains about 60% water. In children, the amount of water in the body is higher. Therefore, it is clear that the health of the body must maintain homeostasis of water. A man fills up its reserves of water through food and drink. However, it drinks the body comes to 80% of harmful substances. Last year there was a lot of information about the unique Supplements ˗ coral calcium, which is added to the water to improve its physical and chemical properties and entry into healing properties. Distributors that offer coral calcium supplements as a cure for all diseases and even aging. The purpose of our study was to find out whether there really water coral impact on living organisms. In the article the method of research, experimentally confirmed a positive effect on water coral organisms, in particular on the growth and development of plants.


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How to Cite
Неведомська Є. О. (2016). ВПЛИВ КОРАЛОВОЇ ВОДИ НА ЖИВІ ОРГАНІЗМИ. World Science, 3(2(6), 6-10. Retrieved from https://rsglobal.pl/index.php/ws/article/view/883