At the present stage of development, complex economic systems are forced to work under conditions of uncertainty, which complicates the process of their management. In the management decision-making process arises the problem of predicting the state of the system according to the environment. The results of forecasts must constantly be adjusted in the course of events, that allows to adapt to changes in the environment and to respond flexibly to negative influences. Simulation model allows realizing of multiple forecasts under different scenarios depending on the formation of various situations of unlimited complexity. Simulation model sets a task of complex research of enterprise’s economic condition as an integrated system, that is in certain relationship with economic environment, influences on this environment and lend oneself to sequential changes under the influence of external and internal factors, that is carried out on the base of approach of system dynamics, that is composed in the simultaneous simulation of all processes that are modeled. Software platform IThink ANALYST (High Performance System, Inc.), that was chosen by us for building the monitoring system of the enterprise’s economic condition, is focused on continuous simulation that does not contradict the overall concept of monitoring as information system of analysis, evaluation and forecasting of economic phenomenon under study, that is based on the systematic tracking processes occurring in the enterprise. All mentioned makes the relevance of the research topic generally and the article in particular.
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