• Коваленко В. В. Д.е.н., професор, Одеський національний економічний університет
  • Вербицька Я. Є. Головне управління статистики у Сумській області
Keywords: bank, competitive position, competitiveness and economic globalization


The article devoted to the impact of economic globalization on the competitiveness of banks in Ukraine. Substantiated that the latest trends in the international economy created conditions for a radical change in the integration process of bank capital, led to the emergence of new forms of monopolistic relations globally.
The article is to develop approaches to competitiveness in times of economic globalization.
The author argues that the definition of banking competition, which is limited to purely banking is not sufficiently substantiated, as banks compete not only among themselves but also with other financial and non-financial institutions (credit unions, investment funds, pension funds, foreign exchange brokers , insurance companies, leasing and factoring companies, trade organizations, stock exchanges is that).
The article singles out four groups of banks engaged in international transactions, banks have only small foreign branches; banks, international operations which is starting to pay 55 to 10% of their profits, but competitive international bank they acquire; multinational banks; global banks.
In the article the basic directions consideration the consequences of economic globalization to ensure the competitiveness of banks Ukraine: further adaptation of banking legislation of Ukraine to the European Union; the requirements of the FATF and the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision on customer identification and prevention of the use of banks to carry out unfair financial practices; incorporation forms of integration; Cooperation at the National Bank of Ukraine and the central banks of other countries and international financial organizations.


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How to Cite
Коваленко В. В., & Вербицька Я. Є. (2016). КОНКУРЕНТОСПРОМОЖНІСТЬ БАНКІВ УКРАЇНИ В УМОВАХ ЕКОНОМІЧНОЇ ГЛОБАЛІЗАЦІЇ. World Science, 5(1(5), 35-38. Retrieved from https://rsglobal.pl/index.php/ws/article/view/711