• Городнова Н. В Д. э. н., кафедра правового регулирования экономической деятельности, Уральский федеральный университет
  • Шаблова Е. Г. д. ю. н., кафедра правового регулирования экономической деятельности, Уральский федеральный университет
  • Березин А. Э. кафедра правового регулирования экономической деятельности, Уральский федеральный университет
Keywords: public-private partnerships, legislation, law, object, efficiency, management


Currently, the Russian economy is the problem of increasing the effectiveness of public-private partnerships (PPP) is of particular relevance. The main reason - the lack of development of the domestic institutional environment in comparison with other countries. Despite the increased interest in the PPP, the main difficulty is the lack of a unified approach to the definition of categories and forms of PPP, as well as a universal method of assessing the level of their performance. Forming conditions and prerequisites for the implementation of PPP projects, the state creates an arsenal of effective management infrastructure and social projects, involving private enterprises with innovation and investment mobility. The article assesses trends and prospects of development of public-private partnerships in the legal and economic aspects. Analyzed the main innovations of the new Federal law on public-private partnerships, the tendencies and prospects of development of legislation on public-private partnership; indication of needs the further scientific development of individual problems, primarily in the area of civil and business law. It is concluded that one of the main problems faced by all States seeking to develop public-private partnerships is the issue of the establishment of new and development of existing institutions, development of procedures and processes, ensuring the effective functioning of PPPs. This fact determines the degree of importance of the institutional component in the research and development of PPPs.


Собрание законодательства РФ, 20.07.2015, N 29 (часть I), ст. 4350.

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How to Cite
Городнова Н. В, Шаблова Е. Г., & Березин А. Э. (2016). РАЗВИТИЕ ЭКОНОМИКО-ПРАВОВЫХ ОСНОВ ИНСТИТУТА ГОСУДАРСТВЕННО-ЧАСТНОГО ПАРТНЕРСТВА В РОССИИ. World Science, 5(1(5), 23-25. Retrieved from https://rsglobal.pl/index.php/ws/article/view/706