• Аршинніков Д. І. Національний технічний університет України "Київський політехнічний інститут"
  • Свідерський В. А. д. т. н., Національний технічний університет України "Київський політехнічний інститут"
  • Осауленко К. В. аспірант, Київський національний торговельно-економічний університет
  • Мережко Н. В. д. т. н., Київський національний торговельно-економічний університет
Keywords: silicone compounds and coatings, deformability, strength, hydrophobicity, creep


The wide use of coatings based on organ silicon compounds which have a number of unique characteristics (specific composition and structure, high chemical resistance and hydrophobicity, stability of physic-chemical and exploitation qualities in the wide range of temperatures, physiological safety, etc., is often limited due to the insufficient levels of physical and mechanical properties. This primarily refers to materials with a high level of deformability. So finding ways to minimize the effects of these factors on the performance properties of silicone coatings is quite an urgent problem nowadays.
For example, pads of different chemical nature (of paper from pulp, phenol-formaldehyde composites on its base, epoxy fiberglass, stainless steel and titanium alloys), which are characterized by a distinctive level of deformability, is given a quantitative estimation of effective use of silicone coatings of various kinds.
It is shown that for the paper and composite materials with its silicone-treated using the processing by organosilicon compounds with different functional groups and hydrocarbon radicals near the silicon atom, as well as their targeted variation enables by forming thin coatings (5-10 microns) significantly improve the quality of their water-repellent surface (the value of contact angles with water rising in the first case to 14-41 degrees, and in the second case to 21). It is possible in this case and the improvement of the mechanical power, respectively, to 27 and 38 percent.
Using of filled by oxides, silicates and modified precipitated chalk for polyorganosiloxane coatings (thickness of 100-150 microns) showed them an advantage over other types of hydrophobic coating (fluoroplastic, organosilicate) regarding the protection of epoxy fiberglass from the combined effect of atmospheric factors. Decreasing values of contact angles less than 10 degrees, and the water absorption is 0.05 ... 0.07 mass% vs. 0.10 ... 0.27% by weight when using other types of coatings.
Varying the composition of the mineral fillers and value modification of their surface allows together with providing high thermal stability of siloxane coatings significantly reduced (2-6 times) to reduce the internal stress on the metal pads in the heating mode and cooling at temperatures from 20 to 200 degrees Celsius.
Particular attention should be given to a positive influence of oxide siloxane coating to improve the long-term strength of titanium alloys in 17 times, and stainless steel in 4.5-6 times at temperatures of 800 and 900 degrees Celsius.
The results allow to identify effective use of silicone coatings.


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How to Cite
Аршинніков Д. І., Свідерський В. А., Осауленко К. В., & Мережко Н. В. (2016). КРЕМНІЙОРГАНІЧНІ ПОКРИТТЯ ДЛЯ ЗАХИСТУ МАТЕРІАЛІВ З РІЗНИМ СТУПЕНЕМ ДЕФОРМАТИВНОСТІ. World Science, 1(1(5), 10-15. Retrieved from https://rsglobal.pl/index.php/ws/article/view/561
Engineering Sciences