Combat activity in eastern Ukraine has shown dramatically different, compared to previous military campaigns, indicators of casualties, which substantiates the need to reform approaches to providing medical assistance to injured combatants. Pathology of internal organs, in particular the cardiovascular system, often accompanies combat trauma, worsens the process of recovery of the injured combatant, leads to his unfitness for military service, sometimes to disability. It is known that in about 20% of all injured combatants signs of secondary pathology of the cardiovascular system with various manifestations are presented. This percentage even reaches 95% among the seriously injured, who are treated at the intensive care units. Therefore, an important task for military medicine is the timely identification of high-risk group of patients among injured combatants in order to plan effective prevention measures. In 2018, a method for predicting the risk of developing secondary pathology of the cardiovascular system was developed and tested on the basis of a database of injured combatants from National Military Medical Clinical Center “Main Military Clinical Hospital”. We have tested this technique in a specific clinical case of an injured combatant with manifest signs of cardiovascular system abnormalities.
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