Keywords: Protein, Drying Temperature, Solar Radiation, Moisture, Drying Time


Alfalfa is known as the king of nutrition due to its digestibility, which contains all kinds of substances. One kilogram of alfalfa grass at flowering yields 0.6 kg of nutrient units and 80 g of digestible protein, and 0.9-1.0 kg of nutrient units and 160 g of protein per kilogram of grass meal. The nutritional value of nutrient-dense food directly depends on the method of its preparation. 90% of nutritional units and 80% of absorbable protein are fully utilized by preparing vitamin green fodder according to the technology. In the article, the parameters of alfalfa drying equipment, such as drying temperature, drying time, and cutting length, are studied in connection with the technology of vitamin green fodder preparation, and the mathematical model of dependence and optimal values are determined.


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How to Cite
Ganbat Balsan, Mungun Jargalsaikhan, Nyamsuren Nyam-Osor, & Battugs Sukhee. (2024). RESULTS OF DETERMINING THE TECHNOLOGICAL MODE OF DRYING ALFARM AND PREPARING COMPOSITE FEED USING SOLAR COLLECTORS. World Science, (2(84).
Engineering Sciences

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