• Gabidzashvili Manana PhD, Akaki Tsereteli State University
  • Guleishvili Nino PhD, Akaki Tsereteli State University
  • Inga Bochoidze Professor, Akaki Tsereteli State University
Keywords: Total Phenols, Total Flavonoids, Antioxidant Activity, Butcher’s Broom Root, Butcher’s Broom Herbs


The nature of medicinal products of plant origin is determined by the content of various active components, which makes it possible to use them as therapeutic excipients in traditional medicine. The objects of the research were the roots and the ground part of butcher’s broom wild-growing in Georgia, in the active phase of vegetation: root - in November, the ground part (stem and leaves) in May. The 70% and 40% ethanol alcoholic extracts from root and herbs were prepared, 26.6 - 60.4 mg/g of total phenols were found in all four extracts; the content of flavonoids was 9.2 - 21.2 mg/g and the antioxidant activity was evaluated by the DPPH method at 24.3 - 68.2%.



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How to Cite
Gabidzashvili Manana, Guleishvili Nino, & Inga Bochoidze. (2023). THE CONTENT OF PHENOLIC COMPOUNDS AND ANTIOXIDANT ACTIVITY OF THE BUTCHER’S BROOM PLANT (RUSCUS ACULEATUS L). World Science, (1(79).