Keywords: quarry electric locomotive, distribution law, traction electric drive, parameters irregularity, distribution density


The paper deals with the problem of the assessment of the functionality of the multi-motor direct current traction electric drive of the quarry electric locomotive. The problem of the failure of electric drive motors because of extremely unsatisfactory state of the rail tracks and the wear of wheel pairs is analyzed. Taking into account the number of the existing repaired electric motors the probability of fitting up the traction electric drive with the electric motors with the widest electrical parameters variety is determined.


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How to Cite
Artem Artemenko, Oleksii Chornyi, Valeriy Sydorenko, Serhii Serhiienko, Yurii Zachepa, Vitaliy Kuznetsov, & Alisa Kuznetsova. (2021). ESTIMATING THE PROBABILITY OF THE EMERGENCY OPERATION OF THE QUARRY ELECTRIC LOCOMOTIVE TRACTION ELECTRIC DRIVE. World Science, (2(63).
Engineering Sciences