• Olesia Prysiazhna senior lecturer, candidate of philology sciences, Department of Foreign Languages; Ukraine, Vinnytsia, Vinnytsia National Technical University;
  • Liudmyla Tulchak senior lecturer, Department of Foreign Languages;
  • Nataliia Hadaichuk lecturer, Department of Foreign Languages; Ukraine, Vinnytsia, Vinnytsia National Technical University;
  • Svitlana Medvedieva lecturer, Department of Foreign Languages; Ukraine, Vinnytsia, Vinnytsia National Technical University;
Keywords: English idioms, translation of idiomatic expressions, idioms in technical literature, transformation of image, metaphorical interpretation, presuppositive background content, semantic integrity


The study was aimed to analyze theoretical material on the issues of idiomatic expressions and their translation, as well as to define and assess the importance of the translation of idiomatic expressions, which students can encounter in technical literature, into Ukrainian. The transformation of image of English idioms is a very difficult task because of their semantic richness, imagery, brevity and the brightness. On the one hand, English idioms are widely used in oral speech, artistic and political literature. On the other hand, English idioms are used in technical literature, though not so often. The choice of one or another type of translation depends on the features of idiomatic expressions that students must recognize and be able to transform their meaning, brightness and clarity.


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How to Cite
Olesia Prysiazhna, Liudmyla Tulchak, Nataliia Hadaichuk, & Svitlana Medvedieva. (2018). ENGLISH IDIOMS: TRANSFORMATION OF IMAGE. World Science, (9(37), 66-68. https://doi.org/10.31435/rsglobal_ws/30092018/6138