• Христова М. П. доцент, PhD, Транспортны Университет имени Тодор Каблешков
Keywords: Safety critical software, Safety critical Systems, Software error, Diversity, Dual channel Systems


There is a set of admissibility requirements on the erroneous effects of the managed object established upon the computer systems for control over the responsible technological processes in the transportation, aviation, space, energy, medicine and other fields. These requirements are primarily related to faultlessness of the software. One way to achieve this is through a multi-version programming and a comparison of the results of the used versions. Two versions of the diversity method are most often used for the detection and subsequent removal of errors in the software. The aim should be for both versions to be maximally independent. It is neither always possible nor easy to find at least two methods for solving the problem (algebraically, logical, technical) on which to build algorithms. The proposed method of reverse iteration offers a solution to a direct problem in the first version and reverse problem in the second version. The reversion solves the problem in the diversity of the software within the second method, which otherwise would be impossible or very difficult. Moreover, it offers a solution via a universal approach by offering radically different methods. The article illustrates the method both as a principle, as well as during implementation on a computer base. An analysis is conducted on the safety compared with the classical scheme of "two by two" when solving two direct problems in different versions. It is established that the method has certain advantages. Except in conditions of greater safety from failures, they are in greater efficiency. It is deemed unnecessary to have two different programming teams for the software, which is a costly solution. One programmer is sufficient and can build both versions.


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How to Cite
Христова М. П. (2016). ОБНАРУЖЕНИЕ ОШИБОК ПРОГРАММНОГО ОБЕСПЕЧЕНИЯ ПОСРЕДСТВОМ МЕТОДА РЕВЕРСНОГО ПОВТОРЕНИЯ. World Science, 4(4(8), 6-11. Retrieved from https://rsglobal.pl/index.php/ws/article/view/1168
Computer Science