This research article is analyzing incentive travelling as a topic. Also it analyzes the current trends in intensive tourist flows from Russia to Finland. The purpose of the research was to find out the form of Russian outbound MICE tourism and the needs of Russian companies in Finnish incentive services. The report is based on various sources and numerous discussions with different parties over the last years. The study investigates if there is any demand from the Russian market for Finnish supply of MICE services. As a tool, 2 individual interviews with the representatives of Russian and Finnish MICE service providers and purchasers were used. The results show what kind of needs Russian companies have in Finnish supply of MICE services. The work also gives recommendations on how to work with Russian incentive travelling market using a holiday resort Järvisydän, which is situated on Lake Saimaa South Savo region of Finland as a case. Moreover, the research revealed important aspects in MICE tourism development in Russia such as the influence of the economic crisis and a comparatively young age of MICE tourism in Russia.
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