• Dyakona V. MBA , Information Systems Management Institute
  • Petrova M. M. PhD, St Cyril and St Methodius University of Veliko Turnovo
  • Dimitrova S. DSc, National Military University “Vasil Levskiu”
Keywords: effective management, intellectual capital, management of human resources, modern business structures, management of intellectual capital, management of knowledge


The effective management of the intellectual capital of the enterprise in the modern information economy opens up new opportunities to increase productivity, solve problems that previously seemed almost unsolvable, creates conditions for further development and growth of the enterprise innovative value. This provokes the scientific researches of the authors to focus on certain aspects of the effective management of modern business structures, based on intellectual capital.


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How to Cite
Dyakona V., Petrova M. M., & Dimitrova S. (2016). ASSESSMENT-BASED MANAGEMENT OF ENTERPRISE’S INTELLECTUAL CAPITAL. World Science, 3(3(7), 68-74. Retrieved from
Management and Marketing