This article discusses the stages of privatization of State and municipal property in the Russian Federation, identifies the main objectives and challenges for each of the stages. The analysis showed that the rapid redistribution of property pursued not so much economic, how many political goals. Ordinary shareholders are not steel, and could not become real owners. Therefore, the Russian model of privatization is not helped strengthen social security and infrastructure development, but rather led to their destruction, and the bankruptcy and liquidation of the enterprises contributed to more insecurity. Are the characteristics of the current stage of the transformation of State ownership in major integrated business group. Explores the results of privatization and the new wave of privatization. The integrated business groups such as the strategic ventures, strategic joint- stock companies. The work emphasizes that a significant number of State corporations associated with risk of arbitrary orders of their leaders, not public funds, giant with real responsibility for their performance. Because key positions in key sectors of the Russian economy are employed by State companies, if these companies compete with each other, not on market regulation that harms both their consumers and undermines the incentives to the development of their suppliers. Thus, despite the fact that State-owned companies the State has full control, and the Russian Government has promised to make the company a model of corporate governance quality, problems of their operation are obvious. Based on the analysis of statistical data expedience of privatization of the subjects of natural monopolies, which will improve competition Wednesday in the Russian economy.
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Отчет о деятельности Федерального агентства по управлению государственным имуществом за 2014 год: http://www.rosim.ru/press/260351
Перечень стратегических предприятий и стратегических акционерных обществ (утв. Указом Президента РФ от 4 августа 2004 г. N1009) Система ГАРАНТ: http://base.garant.ru/187281/#block_1000#ixzz40GVumR7A
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