• Абдразаков Е. Х. Казахский Национальный медицинский университет им.С.Д. Асфендиярова, кафедра интернатуры по стоматологии
  • Досбердиева Г. Т. Казахский Национальный медицинский университет им.С.Д. Асфендиярова, кафедра интернатуры по стоматологии
  • Рузденова А. С. Казахский Национальный медицинский университет им.С.Д. Асфендиярова, кафедра интернатуры по стоматологии
  • Мамеков А. С. Казахский Национальный медицинский университет им.С.Д. Асфендиярова, кафедра интернатуры по стоматологии
Keywords: odontometric teeth, permanent side teeth


The difference of anthropometry structure of teeth in different population has been investigated by anthropology and palaeontology scientists for long period. In this period mentioned investigations gathered some information about ethno- diagnostic approvals of teeth structures. (Zubov A.A, 1968, 1973). Nowadays at the dentist practice you can see that demand on aesthetic is increased. To increase effect of unnatural teeth some principals of the outside form of structure are dealt like quantity, forms, volumes, colors, and the difference in populations. In scientific work our dentist specialists decided to pay attention on popular difference as they do diagnostics and deal with patients to gather results concerning to aesthetic issues. By investigating the anatomy – topographic structures of Almaty resident’s teeth and by evaluating the work result concerning to teeth structure to forecast the nationality of person. The quantity of human beings who subject to investigation was 1 000, who 600 is Kazakh population and 400 is Russian population. From this group was chosen 110 Kazakh population and 110 Russian populations whose age is 16-22 years old for odonthometrical investigation. Odonthometrical investigation resulted to identification of parameters of teeth: wideness, thickness, and highness.
The results and conclusion: The measurement results of molar teeth are different: the wideness of upper first molar teeth of Russian population is bigger than Kazakh population. But second molar teeth of Kazakh population is bigger, Russian populations this teeth are same. Measurement results of vestibular parameters are the same with molar teeth. According to this parameters the difference is not more than 0,4 mm (P >0,2). The big difference you can see by medico distal measurement method on upper molar teeth that is 0,7 mm (P <0,05), this difference is the main indicator of odontometric identification. The less difference is on second right molar teeth, and the more difference (that is 0.5 mm more, P <0.05) you can see by vestibular measurement on is on upper first and second on the right molar teeth and below second molar teeth. Highness Measurement result shows that the parameters of first molar teeth of Kazakh population is less than Russian population, parameters of first molar teeth are the same. Also below first molar teeth is higher 0,24mm (Р<0,001), this information is important for aesthetic dentist practice.
The results of our research can help to identify the nationality of person by anatomy topographical indicators and to improve quality of dentist by dealing with these differences in accordance with today’s demands; also can be implemented in Medicine Judge Expertise.


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How to Cite
Абдразаков Е. Х., Досбердиева Г. Т., Рузденова А. С., & Мамеков А. С. (2016). ОДОНТОМЕТРИЯ ПОСТОЯННЫХ БОКОВЫХ ЖЕВАТЕЛЬНЫХ ЗУБОВ ЧЕЛОВЕКА. World Science, 2(3(7), 12-17. Retrieved from https://rsglobal.pl/index.php/ws/article/view/1024