The article deals with the structure of vocational training and postgraduate education of the personnel of the units of the Operational and Rescue Service of Civil Protection, describes the system of departmental education of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine. On the basis of the analysis of the governing documents and empirical data in the structure of the professional training of the personnel of the guard units of the Operational and Rescue Service of Civil Protection, the author distinguished two components - primary vocational training in the departmental vocational schools and training of personnel directly in the work unit. It is established that for the development of professional knowledge, skills of rescuers, for maintaining a high level of operational readiness of duty guards, in the structural divisions of the Operational and Rescue Service of Civil Protection there is a continuous, year- round training system - independent and professional training. The modern period in the professional training of rescuers is characterized by the lack of a proactive approach, insufficient attention to innovative methods of training the personnel of operational units.
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