Keywords: Urbanization, Kernel Density, Nearest Neighbour, AHP, GIS, Public Facilities, El Khroub


Random and spontaneous urban growth is the result of massive natural population growth, as it is in all developing countries. As for our study air, it also results from the unloading of the mother city of Constantine to the satellite city of El-Khroub, which gave urbanization the power to take over its vast environment, An uneven distribution of public facilities in the city’s major districts, as well as traffic jams. This work attempted to determine the suitability of urban land for the location of public facilities in the city. It should be noted that land suitability assessment is a major factor in urban planning and management. Our land adequacy assessment is subject to the AHP model, calculating the weighting of various criteria including physical, socio-economic, environmental and urban. The final adequacy analysis revealed the proportion of land most suitable, estimated at 3.52% of the total area, covering mainly fallow land. The results of this study provide a detailed mapping of urban development potential, integrating both existing data and future projections.


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How to Cite
Abdaoui Gihen Rym, Jakjak Abderazak, Agaguenia Siham, Dahdouh Fatima, Bakiri Hadia, & Tabet Ahmed Amine. (2024). AN INTEGRATED APPROACH TO IDENTIFY SUITABLE AREAS FOR THE LOCATION OF PUBLIC FACILITIES USING MULTI-CRITERIA ANALYSIS BASED ON GIS AND AHP IN THE CITY OF EL KHROUB, ALGERIA. International Journal of Innovative Technologies in Social Science, (4(44).