• Oluwatoyin Ayodele Ajani Centre for Excellence in Learning and Teaching (CELT) Durban University of Technology Durban, South Africa
Keywords: Challenges, Learning Management System, e-learning, Software


The advent of the Fourth Industrial Revolution has brought about a significant transformation in the global education system. The incorporation and usage of diverse educational technologies facilitate the acquisition of knowledge in a tangible, effortless, and enjoyable manner, concurrently stimulating students' motivation to engage in the learning process. The advent of the COVID-19 pandemic has brought to light the importance of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in the realm of education. The objective of this study is to investigate the implementation of e-learning in the context of higher education in South Africa, with a focus on challenges against effective adoption and usage of e-Learning in curriculum delivery. The significance of e-learning in revolutionising pedagogy through the usage of diverse learning technologies and online platforms for instruction, learning, and evaluation is undeniable. However, several obstacles have impeded the efficient integration of ICT in South African Higher Education Institutions. The research employed a systematic literature review methodology, drawing from diverse sources. Diverse educational institutions have reportedly encountered distinct obstacles in their efforts to successfully incorporate information and communication technology (ICT) into their instructional methodologies. The challenges that impede the efficiency of learning technologies include insufficient ICT resources, inadequate ICT skills, and power outages, among others. Consequently, the research suggests implementing tactics to improve the usage of information and communication technology (ICT) for electronic learning (e-learning) in academic establishments, in order to tackle the obstacles.


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How to Cite
Oluwatoyin Ayodele Ajani. (2023). CHALLENGES MITIGATING AGAINST EFFECTIVE ADOPTION AND USAGE OF E-LEARNING IN CURRICULUM DELIVERY IN SOUTH AFRICAN UNIVERSITIES. International Journal of Innovative Technologies in Social Science, (2(38).