DIFFERENT ASPECT (Ramzan Kadyrov, Dzhokhar Dudayev, King George VII of Georgia, Ibrahim I of Shirvan)
At this stage of Chechen history, a politician appeared in the political arena who saved the history of the Chechen gene pool. I think personally that, willy-nilly or not, Ramzan Kadyrov had a chance to play a clearly positive role in the critical period of modern Chechen history, which, undoubtedly, will be objectively evaluated by history in a prosperous future. In this regard, the subject of discussion may be only one, consciously or unwittingly, he accepted such a choice. I am sure that unwittingly.
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Петрушевский И. И. Великий патриот ширваншах Ибрагим. Баку, 1942, с. 26.
Отечественная война, длиной 17 лет. Манглийский митрополит Анания (Джапаридзе). 2015 г. 26 декабря. http://meufeanania.info/samamulo/ последняя проверка 01.09.2018.
Налбандян В. Тбилиси в старо армянской письменности, с древних времен до конца XVIII века. Тбилиси, 1959, с. 113.
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