The existing methods of information protection from leakage by high-frequency imposition channels are considered. The main differences between them, their general advantages and disadvantages, as well as the main methods of high-frequency imposition are described. The ways of using methods, their complex combination to ensure full protection of information are analyzed. The types of signals that may be present at the facility where critical information is processed are described. The channels of information leakage are described both in the power supply and grounding channels and through the dielectric (air). The main components of the signal that need to be considered when assessing the electromagnetic environment at the facility are also considered. Examples of application of passive, active and complex measures to ensure information protection are studied. The purpose of further research is to study the parameters of the hazardous signal, improve existing methods of information protection to ensure high-quality information protection and develop an algorithm for rapid response to changes in the electromagnetic environment at the facility to ensure faster response to prevent information leakage. The priority tasks are mathematical and experimental study of the parameters of the dangerous signal in order to identify opportunities for the destruction of its basic parameters in order to reduce its level of informativeness, as well as finding an algorithm for rapid response to changes in the electromagnetic environment. Both the positive aspects and the difficulties that may occur during the above research are outlined.
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