Designing a system of criteria, indicators and levels, that allows to make a complex assessment of qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the formation of health-preserving competence of future physical therapists in the process of professional disciplines studying, is aimed at solving the problem of quality of professional training implementation.
The purpose of the article is to design a system of criteria, indicators and levels of health-preserving competence of future physical therapists in the process of professional disciplines studying. The research methods were applied, such as: analysis and classification of approaches to the formation of criterion and indicator systems in pedagogical research; designing a system of criteria, indicators and levels of health-preserving competence of future physical therapists.
The criterion is considered as a characteristic on the basis of which the estimation of a level of formation of health-preserving competence of future physical therapists in the course of professional disciplines studying is carried out. Indicators forming the structure of each criterion are concretizing and diagnosing means of measuring the level of health-preserving competence of future physical therapists, which allow to characterize the quality or quantity of its particular components.
The essence and the content of axiological (value of health; motivation; awareness; professional interests), cognitive (terminological; knowledge; activity; creative), technological (diagnostic; clinical; out-of-clinical; communicative) and personal (empathy; tolerance; reflection, strategy) criteria and indicators of health- preserving competence of future physical therapists are substantiated, as well as basic, medium and high level of its formation.
It is concluded that presented system of criteria, indicators and levels allows to design a program of pedagogical experiment aimed at assessing the current level of health-preserving competence of future bachelors in physical therapy, as well as examining the impact of the process and peculiarities of professional disciplines studying on the level of health-preserving competence.
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